My ultimate skill is solving the problems that stand in the way of your customers

UX Problem Graphic
UX Solution Graphic

My Design Skills: Design Tools

For nearly 15 years, I’ve spent 8 to 10 hours per day – developing my product design skills in the tools below. At this point, these tools have become an extension of my mind – enabling me to switch between them seamlessly. If design tools where languages, you could consider me native-level fluent in each of them!

Logo - Figma
Logo - XD
Logo - Photoshop
Logo - AI

See what I have created with these tools in my UX Prototypes or UI Portfolio

My Design Skills: Platforms

I have designed countless solutions for the platforms listed below. I am intimately aware of the typical use cases, strengths, and limitations associated with each of them. Additionally, I am well versed in the differences across these platforms and how both UX and UI needs to adjust to achieve similar experiences and outcomes across every platform.

Logo - android
Logo - iOS
Logo - shopify
Logo - WordPress
Logo - marketo
Logo - Adobe
Logo - Hubspot
Logo - woo
Icon - Custom

My Design Skills: Certifications

UX Design Skill Certification - Google

UX/UI Design | Google

Those who earn the Google UX Design Certificate have completed seven assessments, developed by Google, that are designed to measure aptitude in key UX design skills, including: empathizing with users, defining their pain points, developing design solutions, creating wireframes and prototypes, and testing designs to get feedback.

Those who earn the Google UX Design Certificate have completed seven assessments, developed by Google, that are designed to measure aptitude in key UX design skills, including: empathizing with users, defining their pain points, developing design solutions, creating wireframes and prototypes, and testing designs to get feedback.

UX Design Skill Certification - SFDC

User Experience Designer | Salesforce

The Salesforce User Experience (UX) Design Certificate requires demonstration of the ability to solve complex problems and design ethical, equitable and sustainable solutions that serve both businesses and communities. This credential must be earned by demonstrating knowledge of how to build and deploy human-centered experiences on the Salesforce Platform.

The Salesforce User Experience (UX) Design Certificate requires demonstration of the ability to solve complex problems and design ethical, equitable and sustainable solutions that serve both businesses and communities. This credential must be earned by demonstrating knowledge of how to build and deploy human-centered experiences on the Salesforce Platform.

UX Design Skill Certification - Upwork

User Interface Design | Upwork

Certified designers demonstrate proficiency in user interface design through portfolio reviews which look for an understanding of what draws the eye initially and throughout the layout, clear visual communication, and an emphasis on maximizing usability. The portfolio reviews were conducted by a panel of user interface experts who evaluate work based on creativity and technical aptitude for current industry-standard user interface design tools.

Certified designers demonstrate proficiency in user interface design through portfolio reviews which look for an understanding of what draws the eye initially and throughout the layout, clear visual communication, and an emphasis on maximizing usability. The portfolio reviews were conducted by a panel of user interface experts who evaluate work based on creativity and technical aptitude for current industry-standard user interface design tools.

My Design Skills: Technical Skills

I have the skill set required for even the most demanding of UX projects

To effectively execute any UX project, I believe it’s critical to understand what the intended audience wants and how they view the world. This means I am very seasoned in my ability to plan, conduct, and analyze findings from a variety of research methods.

One of my strengths involves organizing information in an understandable manner for the target audience. Applicable to websites, apps, and software, my approach to information architecture includes systems like labeling, navigation, layouts, and search.

The first visual deliverable of UX project is creating wireframes. I put a lot of importance on creating a blueprint for each screen of an interface. The ultimate success of a project is heavily impacted by the ability of wireframes to show how something works,and defining the elements that need to be present from page to page. This includes all the interface components that are needed for all possible interactions and processes.

Prototyping might be my most valuable skill as it combines all of the elements of UX with UI design. The purpose of prototypes is to test functionality and ensure there is a match between a system and the users before development on the final product can start. I believe this should be an iterative process. So I create design systems – allowing me to create new prototypes, and update existing ones, quickly and efficiently.

While I am quite proud of my aesthetic design skills, I know that what really makes the difference in UX is my ability to understand and effect how users will interact with those designs. I create designs that reflect a user’s expectations. My goal is for users to recognize and intuitively understand an interface – even when they haven’t actually encountered it before.

I am very experienced as a graphic designer, which plays very well into the design requirements of most UX projects. Graphic designers make beautiful things, but as a UX designer, I make beautiful things that also play a critical role in educating and guiding users.

I love analytics! The data, when analyzed properly, is the ultimate validation of a job well done OR the messenger to explain problems or issues. I create expectations as I work through designs to ensure effective analysis later on. In other words, “If this flow works, we can expect to see [fill in the blank] in the reporting.”

While not a core skill for UX design, I believe my background as a developer is one of the reasons I have been successful as a UX Designer.

I understand how software works and needs to be written. More importantly, I know how developers think. This knowledge and experience allows me to not only accommodate software limitations or nuances, but it helps me in working alongside the people that will actually build out my designs.

My Design Skills: Soft Skills

I am a zealous advocate of end users, and deeply believe that collaboration is the most powerful problem-solving tool

I have a pronounced ability to understand and feel the emotions of others. This quality is helpful in life in general, and as a UX Designer, this is forms the core principle of my work. I emphasize a positive customer experience – taking the time to learn about people and their inclinations.

I am curious to a fault 🙂 As a UX designer, I leverage this trait to engage with clients, products, and challenges in meaningful ways. Curiosity drives me in asking insightful questions, active listening, and engaging more deeply with problems.

Communication is essential in life. In regard to UX Design, I am continually educating myself and honing my ability to communicate effectively. I specifically pride myself on my ability to convey product ideas, explain thinking behind designs, and work with other people. My goal behind effective communication is help everyone involved in a project to create, collaborate, adapt, and improve products and systems with ease.

In some ways, collaboration could fall under communication, but in my opinion, it deserves to be called out separately. I believe there is a lot of value to gain through incorporating the ideas of other designers, developers, clients, and team members. I strive to effectively give and receive feedback, explore solutions, and incorporate the expertise and needs of everyone involved in a project to create the best products possible.

I hate cliches, but they sure are useful. My clients would say that I “think outside the box”, but I typically respond, “What box?”

I define creativity as my ability to come up with multiple, and entirely distinct, solutions or designs for a single problem. Even if I am confident in a solution, I feel the only way to truly validate it is to come up with very compelling alternatives to address the same situation.

My career at a glance

2023 - 2024

2023 - 2023

2022 - 2023

2017 - 2022

2014 - 2017

2012 - 2014

2010 - 2012

2009 - 2010

2007 - 2009